join THE ISA
2025 FOUNDING Memberships
ARE now available!
Join us as a Founding Member and help launch NWSL Boston’s first official independent supporters group!
The team may not take the field until 2026, but we’re getting a head start in 2025 by building a vibrant community of supporters. We’re ready to start gathering together, learning the chants, beating the drums, and bringing full-throttle support for Boston’s NWSL team!
As a Founder, your dues will provide crucial startup funds needed to organize and prepare for 2026, setting us up for an amazing inaugural season. When the team takes the field, we plan to be ready to provide an unforgettable game day atmosphere for the team and most importantly the players… and us! I mean… this stuff is fun, and we really cannot wait!
We’d love to have you with us in 2025, 2026, and beyond!
Let’s Go Boston!
A supporters group is a community of fans who come together to cheer on their team in an organized, energetic, and engaged way.
Not only do they create an electric atmosphere at games with chants, flags, songs, and coordinated cheering but supporters groups often do more than just attend matches—they engage in social events, charity work, and help promote the team and the sport within their local communities.
Short answer: Nope!
Longer answer: NWSL Boston ISA is an independent, fan-run 501c(7) non-profit association.
We are not affiliated with or controlled by the NWSL Boston franchise.
While we certainly root for the team, we operate separately - making our own decisions and working solely to promote the best interests of our members.
2025 Memberships are only open to adults (18+) who live in the United States. We are working hard to open this up in the future.
Memberships are available to purchase here.
We do charge an annual membership fee. This fee funds group activities, tifo creation (those big banners you see at some games), start-up expenses, and will help to offset the cost of organizing events.
We are an all volunteer-run 501c7 non profit organization, registered in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
This first year is all about building our community through meet-ups and other social events.
The benefits and perks are growing as we grow, and we will start to keep a clear list on our website and communicate new perks, partners, and other benefits through our newsletter.
The biggest benefit to being a member right now is to be part of building this wonderful community from the ground up!
We welcome fans of all levels—whether you're a lifelong soccer supporter or just learning about the team.
Not sure how the offside rule works?
We are happy to explain it.Worried a 3-back system might be risky against a team like Gotham?
We understand your concern.
Boston ISA is for every kind of fan, and we can't wait to meet you!
There is no definitive update on the team’s name or their process to reconsider their name.
We are, however, encouraged by the team's willingness to listen directly to fan feedback and their openness in acknowledging that their initial choices missed the mark.
This transparency and engagement with the community give us hope that the team is committed to reconsidering the name and finding one that will unite the Boston soccer community.
As an organization, we stand firm in our belief that the name they’ve chosen does not fulfill the promises made to our community, does not represent us as a city, and needs to be changed.
We look forward to seeing how this process unfolds, and encourage fans to stay engaged!
We are very excited about a revitalized White Stadium, and are thrilled to see the city has signed a 10-year lease agreement with the team, but truthfully, we know about as much as you do about the timeline of the renovations.
If you would like to learn more, or get involved in the process, a great place to start is the city’s project page.
Short on time? Jump straight to some FAQs here.
You had better believe we are keeping a close eye on this, and will update members as big news becomes available.